Wenhuan Lu
 Basic Information
  • Title:Professor
  • Affiliation:College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University
  • Email:wenhuan@tju.edu.cn
  • Address:Building 55, Peiyang Park Campus, Yaguan Road, Jinnan District, Tianjin 300350, P. R. China
 Research Interests
    Artificial Intelligent:
  • Speech Security
  • Speech processing
  • Data Science:
  • Knowledge/Ontology Engineering
  • Semantic Web
  • Knowledge-based Systems
  • Ocean data visualization
Best Paper Award W. Lu and J. Zhang, Construction of Curriculum Ontology Aiming at Educational Service Support, International. Joint Conference on Service Sciences, Taibei, May, 2011
  • IEEE Member
  • ACM Member
  • APSCE Member
  • IACSIT Senior Member
  • CCF Member
 Course Offerings
Here are the information for some classes∣regularly offer:
  • TU.2180162 Formal Methods∣in Autumn /R∣
  • TU.2180118 Basic Japanese specified in CS∣in Autumn /R∣
  • TU.2180105 Course Project of Computer Network∣in Spring∣
  • Graduate:
  • Formal Methods and Logic∣in Spring ∣
 Brief Introduction

Dr. Wenhuan Lu is a professor at College of Intelligence and Computing in Tianjin University. She received her Ph.D. Degree at Japan Advanced Institute of Scicence and Technology(JAIST), Japan.
Dr. Lu is working in knowledge modeling with semantic technology applied to knowledge-based system. She also work on audio security and AI in data science in recent years. Her research fields are knowledge engineering, speech processing and security.

  • NSFC grant(PI)
  • 863 sub-grant(PI)
  • DHS Model & Simulation, Founded by MOST, P. R. China
  • On2C, COE Program Founded by MEXT, Japan
  • iLKM & ICLOnto
 Selected Publications
  • H. Bao; W. Lu; K. Honda; J. Wei; Q. Fang; J. Dang,Combined cine-and tagged-MRI for tracking landmarks on the tongue surface, 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communicati on Association, 2015/9/6-2015/9/10, 2015/9/6.
  • J. Wang; J. Zhang; J. Wei; W. Lu,Automatic speech recognition under robot ego noises, Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP), 2014 9th International Symposium on, 2014/9/12-2014/9/14, p 377, 2014/9/14.
  • S. Liu. J. Wei, B. Feng,W. Lu, B. Denby, Q. Fang and J. Dang, An Anisotropic Diffusion Filter for Reducing Speckle Noise of Ultrasound Images Based on Separability, APSIPA, California, 2012
  • W. Lu, N.Xiong and D.Park, An Ontological Approach to Support Legal Information Modeling, Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 62 (1) pp 53-67, 2012
  • W. Lu and J. Zhang, Construction of Curriculum Ontology Aiming at Educational Service Support, Inter. Joint Conf. on Service Sciences, 2011 Taibei (Best Paper Award)
  • W. Lu and J. Wei, Dynamic visualization of Evolutionary Curricula Model, Inter. Conf. on Educational and Information Technology, 2010 V(2) pp 484-488
  • W. Lu and J. Wei, The Design and Implementation of Network Disks Array Management System, Inter. Conf. on Computational and Information Sciences, 2010 pp 1289-1292
  • W. Lu and M. Ikeda, A Uniform Conceptual Model for Knowledge Management of International Copyright Law, Journal of Information Science, 2008 Vol34 (1) pp 93-109
  • W. Lu, M. Ikeda, K. Ochimizu and S. Kitayama, A Conceptual Model Makes Curriculum Evolution in Higher Education Smooth, Proc. of Inter. Conf. on Computers in Education, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pp.89-96, IOS Press, 2007
  • W. Lu and M. Ikeda, Capturing a Conceptual Model for Intercultural Collaboration in Copyright Management, Intercultural Collaboration, LNCS, Vol.4568, pp.61-75, Springer-Verlag, 2007
  • S. Kitayama,W. Lu, M. Ikeda and K.Ochimizu, Proposal of Course Consulting System Design-based Ontological Model of an Evolutionary Curriculum, Proc. of the 32nd Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education, pp.82-83, 2007 (in Japanese)
  • W. Lu and M. Ikeda, An Intention-oriented Model of Copyright Law for e-Learning, Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Computers in Education, pp.757-760, IOS Press, 2005
 Contact me

Please mail comments or questions to wenhuan@tju.edu.cn. I prefer text-based emails. If you must attach a file, please use *.pdf or *.ps formats. Thanks!

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