Yu Ce  Prof. / Ph.D Supervisor

Personal Information


E-mail: yuce@tju.edu.cn

College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University,
Yaguan Road 135, Haihe Education Park, Tianjin, China, 300350

2011/09- 2012/02
Visiting Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology, US.
2005/09- 2009/03
PH.D School of Computer Science & Technology, Tianjin University.
2002/09- 2005/03
M.E. Department of Computer Science & Technology, Tianjin University.
1998/09- 2002/07
B.E. Department of Computer Science & Technology, Tianjin University.
High Performance Computing, Big Data, Astronomical Informatics, Cloud Computing

  Parallel Computing
  High Performance Computing
  Computer Architecture

Research & Fundings

Research Collaboration
    National SuperComputer Centen in Tianjin (Distinguished Researcher)
    Natinonal Astronomical Data Center (Director of Technology R&D Innovation Center)

Astronomical Informatics
  ·High-reliability data communication system for remote astronomical observations in narrow-band unstable network (NSFC U1931130, 2020.1-2022.12)
  ·Construction of Time-domain Astronomy Driven Core Competences of Virtual Observatory and Their Scientific Applications (NSFC U1731423, 2018.1-2021.12)
  ·The key technologies for high-performance data pipeline of FAST (NSFC U1731125, 2018.1-2020.12)
  ·High Efficiency Subset Retrieving Method and System for Astronomical Big Data of Time Series Images (NSFC U1531111, 2016.1-2018.12)
  ·High Efficiency and Reliable Storage System Specially for Astronomical Observation in Antarctic (NSFC 11573019, 2016.1-2019.12)
  ·High Precision Photometry from Massive Data (973 Program 2013CB834902, 2013 - 2017)
  ·Astronomical Cloud in China ( China-VO , CAS, 2013 - 2015)
  ·AST3 Sky Survey and Accurate Photometry (NSFC 11003027, 2011.01-2013.12)
  ·Key Technologies and System for Realtime Data Processing of AST3 (NSFC 10978016, 2010.1-2012.12)
  ·Massive Data Storage and Sharing System in VO (NSFC 10778623, 2007.1-2009.12)

High Performance Computing
  ·HPC-based EDA Platform (The National Key Research and Development Plan, 2017-2021)
  ·Parallel Programming Model and Runtime system for Dynamic Programming Computing (NSFC 61303021, 2014.1 - 2016.12)
  ·Automatic Multilayer Parallelization System for Peta Scale Supercomputer (11ZKFGX01000 ,2011.04-2014.03)
  ·HPC Platform for Data Intensive Applications on WAN (09ZCKFGX00400,2009.4-2012.3)
  ·Programming Patterns and Technologies for Multicore Environment (08JCZDJC19700, 2008.4-2011.3)
  ·Platform for Development of Parallel Applications (06YFGZGX06000, 2006.4-2008.12)

Computational Finance
  ·Computing-based complex evolutionary financial system modeling, asset pricing and risk management (NSFC 71131007, 2012.01-2016.12)

International Cooperation
  ·SCC-Computing: Strategic collaboration with China on super-computing based on Tianhe-1A (FP7, 287746, European Union, 2012.01-2013.12)

  ·IBM X10 Award, 2010
  ·IBM Ph.D Fellowship Award, 2006

· A Multilevel Scheduling Framework for Distributed Time-domain Large-area Sky Survey Telescope Array, Zhang Yajie; Yu Ce; Sun Chao; Shang Zhaohui; Hu Yi; Zhi Huiyu; Yang Jinmao; Tang Shanjiang, ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 165(3), 2023
· HLC2: a highly efficient cross-matching framework for large astronomical catalogues on heterogeneous computing environments, Zhang Yajie; Yu Ce; Sun Chao; Xiao Jian; Li Kun, Mu Yifei; Cui Chenzhou, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519(4), 2023
· HEGrid: A high efficient multi-channel radio astronomical data gridding framework in heterogeneous computing environments, Wang Hao; Yu Ce; Xiao Jian; Tang Shanjiang; Long Min; Zhu Ming, FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE, Vol 138, 2023
· A method for efficient radio astronomical data gridding on multi-core vector processor, Hao Wang; Ce Yu; Jian Xiao; Shanjiang Tang; Yu Lu; Hao Fu; Bo Kang; Gang Zheng; Chenzhou Cui, Parallel Computing 113(102972), 2022
· TSCat: data model and storage engine for AI-based light-curve analysis, Li Kun, Yu Ce, Zhang Yanxia, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 514, Issue 4, August 2022
· HCGrid: A convolution-based gridding framework for radio astronomy in hybrid computing environments, Hao Wang, Ce Yu, Bo Zhang, Jian Xiao, Qi Luo, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 501, Issue 2, Feb 2021, Pages 2734–2744
· Astro-TS3: Time-series Subimage Search Engine for archived astronomical data, Qinglong Kang, Ce Yu, Yajie Zhang, Chenzhou Cui, Chao Sun, Jian Xiao, Shanjiang Tang, Astronomy and Computing, Volume 34, Jan 2021, 100428
· AstroCatR: a mechanism and tool for efficient time series reconstruction of large-scale astronomical catalogues, Ce Yu, Kun Li, Shanjiang Tang, Chao Sun, Bin Ma, Qing Zhao, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 496, Issue 1, July 2020, Pages 629–637
· A redistribution tool for long-term archive of astronomical observation data, Chao Sun, Ce Yu, Chenzhou Cui, Boliang He, Jian Xiao, Zhen Li, Shanjiang Tang, Jizhou Sun, Astronomy and Computing, Volume 32, July 2020, 100400
· NBFTP: A Dedicated Data Transmission System for Remote Astronomical Observation at Dome A, Siyuan Huang, Ce Yu, Chao Sun, Yi Hu, Zhaohui Shang, Bin Ma, Ming Che, Xiaoxiao Lu, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted, Aug 2020
· Deep residual detection of radio frequency interference for FAST, Zhicheng Yang, Ce Yu, Jian Xiao, Bo Zhang, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 492, Issue 1, February 2020, Pages 1421–1431, 11 January 2020
· Fairness-Efficiency Scheduling for Cloud Computing with Soft Fairness Guarantees, Shanjiang Tang; Ce Yu; Yusen Li, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, accepted, 2020
· Performance optimization of non-equilibrium ionization simulations from MapReduce and GPU acceleration, Jian Xiao, Min Long, Ce Yu, Xin Zhou, Li Ji, Parallel Computing, Available online 12 August 2020, 102682, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.parco.2020.102682
· A Survey on Spark Ecosystem: Big Data Processing Infrastructure, Machine Learning, and Applications, Shanjiang Tang; Bingsheng He; Ce Yu; Yusen Li; Kun Li, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, accepted, 2020
· mcatCS: Highly Efficient Cross-Match Scheme for Multi-band Astronomical Catalogs, Li Bingyao; Yu Ce; Li Chen; Hu Xiaoteng; Xiao Jian; Tang Shanjiang; Cui Chenzhou; Fan Dongwei, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 131 (999), MAY 2019
· Astronomical data fusion: recent progress and future prospects - a survey, Yu, Ce; Li, Bingyao; Xiao, Jian; et al. EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY, 47 (3), pages: 359-380, JUN 2019
· Cost-efficient scheduling of FAST observations, Luo Qi, Zhao Laiping, Yu Ce, Xiao Jian, et al, EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY, 45 (1), pages: 107-126, MAR 2018
· GLP4NN: A convergence-invariant and network-agnostic light-weight parallelization framework for deep neural networks on modern GPUs, Fu, Hao; Tang, Shanjiang; He, Bingsheng; Yu, Ce; Sun, Jizhou, 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing, ICPP 2018
· A General and Fast Distributed System for Large-scale Dynamic Programming Applications, Chen Wang; Ce Yu; Shanjiang Tang; Jian Xiao; Jizhou Sun; Xiangfei Meng, Parallel Computing, Vol: 60, Pages: 1-21, 2016.12, DOI: 10.1016/j.parco.2016.09.002
· AQUAdexIM: Highly Efficient In-memory Indexing and Querying of Astronomy Time Series Images, Zhi Hong; Ce Yu; Jie Wang; Jian Xiao; Chenzhou Cui; Jizhou Sun, Experimental Astronomy, 42 (3), Pages: 387-405, 2016.12, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-016-9515-0
· Pattern-Aware Cache Management for Efficient Subset Retrieving of Astronomical Image Data, Jie Wang, Ce Yu, Zhi Hong, Jian Xiao, Chen Li and Jizhou Sun, 14th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA 2016)
· Online Virtual Machine Placement for Increasing Cloud Provider’s Revenue, L. Zhao; L. Lu; Z. Jin; C. Yu, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Year: 2015, Volume: PP, Issue: 99, Pages: 1 - 1, DOI: 10.1109/TSC.2015.2447550
· DPX10: An Efficient X10 Framework for Dynamic Programming Applications, Chen Wang, Ce Yu, Jizhou Sun and Xiangfei Meng, 44th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2015), Pages: 869 - 878, DOI: 10.1109/ICPP.2015.96
· Accelerating Spectral Calculation through hybrid GPU-based computing, Xingyu Xu, Jian Xiao, Ce Yu, Jiawan Zhang, Shuinai Zhang, Li Ji and Jizhou Sun, 44th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2015), Pages: 41 - 50, DOI: 10.1109/ICPP.2015.13

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