Welcom to Dr. Xiaofei Wang's Website! 欢迎来到我的个人网站!

您好!~ 안녕하세요!~ Hi!~

I am Xiaofei Wang, currently a full professor in Tianjin University. My research interests include future internet, edge computing, 5G mobile networks, social big data and so on. ❤ I am quite an interest-driven guy, and I love music, movie, eating, and traveling... Research is luxurious, but life isn't. Howsoever, we must enjoy both. ☕
我是王晓飞,目前是天津大学的教授,我的科研工作主要是边缘计算、边缘智能、区块链、物联网与智慧城市等。我是极为兴趣驱动的那种人,喜欢音乐,电影,美食,旅行…… 科研其实是非常奢侈的,但生活并不是,无论如何,我们要学会享受两者。

♫ I am looking for brilliant students with dreams - let's realize them together!

❦ Call for Ph.D studnets and Post-doctorial research fellows! 征有志向的博士生和博士后,编程和系统强或数学强是很重要的,但更重要的是态度正、有个性、有想法。有意者请联系xiaofeiwang@tju.edu.cn!

News 最新动态

✌ 2023.4 - Exciting news! Our research work "Collaborative Learning-Based Scheduling for Kubernetes-Oriented Edge-Cloud Network" has finally been accepted by IEEE/ACM ToN, Congratulations!
“知行合一,方能致远!” 祝贺课题组面向Kubernetes架构的调度优化研究 《Collaborative Learning-Based Scheduling for Kubernetes-Oriented Edge-Cloud Network》录取到了 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking(CCF-A/JCR-1)! 让我们去探索云边网络的无限可能吧~~恭喜!

✌ 2023.4 - In this beautiful April, our two papers for IWQoS, titled "How Far Have Edge Clouds Gone? A Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Edge Network Latency In the Wild" and "A Holistic QoS View of Crowdsourced Edge Cloud Platform", have been successfully accepted by the conference committee. These works have deeply explored the distribution of service quality in edge clouds, providing an important baseline for subsequent optimization work. We will continue to cultivate on this scientific path and hope to achieve more and better results in the future. Congratulations!
"百啭黄鹂看不见,海棠无数出墙头" 在这海棠竞相绽放的美好四月,课题组也收到了两份录用通知——我们的两篇IWQoS文章《How Far Have Edge Clouds Gone? A Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Edge Network Latency In the Wild》和《A Holistic QoS View of Crowdsourced Edge Cloud Platform》成功被大会组委会接收。两篇工作深入的探讨了边缘云的服务质量分布,为后续的优化工作提供了重要基线。我们将继续在这条科学之路上默默耕耘,希望未来能够取得更多更好的成果。恭喜~

✌ 2023.3 - Elsevier officially released the "China Highly Cited Researchers" list for 2022, which includes a total of 214 Chinese highly cited researchers in the field of computer science. I am honored to be one of the 214 people on this list, and this honor will also inspire us to strive for even higher academic achievements with greater impact! Congratulations ~
爱思唯尔(Elsevier)出版公司正式发布了2022年“中国高被引学者 ”榜单,其中计算机科学上榜的中国高被引学者共有214人。很荣幸成为这214人中的一员,这份荣誉也将激励着我们进一步冲击更高的、影响力更大的学术成果!恭喜 ~

✌ 2023.3 -Good news! I have been invited to serve as an Associate Editor for IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMST), which is in the top 1% of journals in the 1st quartile of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and has an impact factor of 33.84 under IEEE. I will definitely do my best to provide excellent academic service!
喜讯!我受邀担任中科院1区、影响因子33.84的IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMST)(IEEE旗下影响因子最高的期刊)的Associate Editor副编委,我一定会尽心尽力做好学术服务!

✌ 2023.3 - Exciting news! Our research work "Heterogeneous Edge Caching based on Actor-Critic Learning with Attention Mechanism Aiding" has finally been accepted by TNSE, Congratulations!
“海内’存‘知己,天涯若比邻” 我们关于边缘云服务市场资源交易的研究工作 "Heterogeneous Edge Caching based on Actor-Critic Learning with Attention Mechanism Aiding" 被TNSE (CAS/JCR-2, IF:5.213) 正式录用!让我们为边缘缓存与协作事业添砖加瓦~~ 恭喜!

✌ 2023.3 - Exciting news! Our research work "CompCube: A Space-Time-Request Resource Trading Framework for Edge-Cloud Service Market" has finally been accepted by TSC, Congratulations!
石以砥焉,化钝为利!我们关于边缘云服务市场资源交易的研究工作“CompCube: A Space-Time-Request Resource Trading Framework for Edge-Cloud Service Market”被IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (IF: 11.019, CAS/JCR-1, CCF-A) 正式录用!让我们在算力网络的黄金时代继续勇攀新高峰~~恭喜!

✌ 2023.2 - Our paper, "AImers-6G: AI-Driven Region-Temporal Resource Provisioning for 6G Immersive Services", has finally been accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Congratulations!
祝贺课题组最新的 6G智能沉浸式服务与算力供应的相关工作 《AImers-6G: AI-Driven Region-Temporal Resource Provisioning for 6G Immersive Services》录取到了 IEEE Wireless Communications(中科院1区,影响因子12.7)! 元宇宙时代到来了,我们大干一场吧~~恭喜!

✌ 2022.10 - Our paper, "Fine-grained Spatio-Temporal Distribution Prediction of Mobile Content Delivery in 5G Ultra-Dense Networks", has finally been accepted by IEEE TMC, Congratulations!
"努力终会有回报!!" 我们的关于高密度网络下内容时空分布预测的文章《Fine-grained Spatio-Temporal Distribution Prediction of Mobile Content Delivery in 5G Ultra-Dense Networks》被IEEE TMC (IF:6.075, SCI-1/CCF-A)录取,恭喜!

✌ 2022.10 - Our article on measurement-driven D2D offline sharing, "A Measurement-driven Analysis and Prediction of Content Propagation in the Device-to-Device Social Networks", has finally been accepted by IEEE TKDE, Congratulations!
"只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针!" 我们的关于测量驱动的D2D线下分享的文章《A Measurement-driven Analysis and Prediction of Content Propagation in the Device-to-Device Social Networks》在经历若干次修改后终于被IEEE TKDE (IF:9.23, SCI-1/CCF-A)录取,恭喜!

✌ 2022.10 - Congratulations to the group for a good harvest! Our two papers "EdgeMatrix: A Resource-redefined Scheduling Framework for SLA-guaranteed Multi-Tier Edge-cloud Computing Systems" and "Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Recommendation-enabled Edge Caching in Mobile Edge-Cloud Computing Networks" cooperated with Chongqing University have been accepted by IEEE JASC, a CCF-A class, JCR-1 journal. Congratulations!
"播厥百谷,既庭且硕",又是一年秋来到,恭喜课题组喜迎丰收!课题组1篇面向SLA的Multi-Tier场景下的边缘云调度方案的论文 《EdgeMatrix: A Resource-redefined Scheduling Framework for SLA-guaranteed Multi-Tier Edge-cloud Computing Systems》和1篇与重庆大学合作的基于联邦深度学习的边缘缓存的论文《Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Recommendation-enabled Edge Caching in Mobile Edge-Cloud Computing Networks》 同时被CCF-A类,JCR-1区期刊IEEE JASC(IF:13.081)录取,恭喜!

✌ 2022.10 - Surprise is always left to the people who are prepared! Work hard and you will succeed! Our paper "Hastening Stream Offloading of Inference via Multi-exit DNNs in Mobile Edge Computing" has been accepted by IEEE TMC! Congratulations!
惊喜总是留给有准备的人,努力就会成功!恭喜课题组喜提1区A类论文TMC(IF:6.075, CCF-A/JCR-1/CAS-2)一篇:《Hastening Stream Offloading of Inference via Multi-exit DNNs in Mobile Edge Computing》!恭喜!

✌ 2022.10 - Great! Our "In-Edge AI" paper won the 2022 IEEE ComSoc APB Outstanding Paper Award! It can be seen that forward-looking scientific research work can be lasting to produce stronger and stronger influence. This paper, published in 2019, continues to receive high readership and citation and is increasingly recognized by academia and industry. I hope that our future work must be advanced and forward-looking, and reflect the philosophy behind the technology. Congratulations!
课题组《In-Edge AI》论文获得了2022年度IEEE ComSoc亚太地区的最佳论文奖!好的前瞻性的科研工作可以持久产生越来越强影响力,这篇19年的论文持续获得很高的阅读量和引用力度,得到了越来越多学界和产业界的认可。希望课题组未来的工作一定要体现先进性,前瞻性,思考到科研技术发展的背后哲学。各位加油!!恭喜!

✌ 2022.09 - Great! We have pulished another book "Integrating Edge Intelligence and Blockchain", which may be the bombshell in edge computing and blockchain! In this book we systematically explore the frameworks of edge intelligence and blockchain. It is a good addition to the new infrastructure such as arithmetic network and web3. Congratulations!

✌ 2022.07 - Great! Our paper "InFEDge: A Blockchain-based Incentive Mechanism in Hierarchical Federated Learning for End-Edge-Cloud Communications" (CAS/JCR-1, IF:13.081) is accepted in IEEE JSAC. Congratulations!
双喜临门! 我们又一篇关于联邦学习和激励机制的文章 "InFEDge: A Blockchain-based Incentive Mechanism in Hierarchical Federated Learning for End-Edge-Cloud Communications" (中科院1区, 影响因子:13.081),被网络通讯领域顶刊IEEE JSAC录用, 恭喜!

✌ 2022.07 - Our paper “AI-Bazaar: A Cloud-Edge Computing Power Trading Framework for Ubiquitous AI Services” (CAS/JCR-1, IF:5.697) is accepted in IEEE TCC. Congratulations!
喜获丰收! 我们一篇关于边云算力资源交易的文章 “AI-Bazaar: A Cloud-Edge Computing Power Trading Framework for Ubiquitous AI Services” (中科院1区, 影响因子:5.697),被IEEE TCC录用啦,恭喜!

✌ 2022.06 - Great! Our pioneering research “Integrating Edge Intelligence and Blockchain: What, Why, and How” is accepted in IEEE COMST (CAS/JCR-1, IF: 33.840). This is a huge breakthrough. Congratulations!
太棒啦! 我们一篇关于边缘智能和区块链融合的开拓性文章"Integrating Edge Intelligence and Blockchain: What, Why, and How"被行业顶级期刊IEEE COMST录用(中科院1区,影响因子:33.840),又是一次伟大的突破! Congratulations!

✌ 2022.04 - This is a milestone of our group. Congratulations to our group for receiving the "First Class Prize of Tianjin Scientific and Technological Progress Award"! We hope that we will continue to move forward and climb to new heights without fear of hardship.!

✌ 2022.04 - "If you plant a grain of corn in spring, you will harvest ten thousand seeds in autumn." Thanks to the hard work and dedication of all the faculty and students, I have been selected as Most Cited Chinese Researches for 2021. Keep persisting, and make sure to do influential and excellent research and technical work with quality!
“春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子” 感谢各位师生的努力和付出,入选了2021年度高被引学者。大家持续坚持,一定要做有影响力的卓越的有品质的科研技术工作!

✌ 2022.01 - Good news for the New Year. Our paper "Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Blockchain-assisted Software Defined Industrial Energy Market" has been accepted in IEEE TII (CAS/JCR-1, IF:10.215). Congratulations!
新年的好消息,我们关于能源交易分层博弈与强化学习的论文"Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Blockchain-assisted Software Defined Industrial Energy Market"录取到了IEEE TII上(中科院1区,影响因子10.215),恭喜!

✌ 2021.12 - Our paper "A Resources Redefined Edge-Cloud System for Prioritized Services" is accepted in INFOCOM (CCF-A)! Thanks all for your hard work!
太棒啦!我们一篇关于云边端资源优化的论文“A Resources Redefined Edge-Cloud System for Prioritized Services”录取在了A类顶会INFOCOM上!感谢各位同学的努力!

✌ 2021.10 - Congratulations to the team who participated in wezhong blockchain competition and won the fifth place in the national finals!

✌ 2021.10 - The 5G vertical personnel identity verification system we assisted won the first prize of 5G Blooming Cup National Public Safety Track. Congratulations!

✌ 2021.09 - After CCF's assessment of academic achievements, contributions to CCF, industry recognition, CCF membership age and many other dimensions, I finally became a senior member of CCF (25%), and I will continue to work hard to make more contributions in the future!

✌ 2021.09 - Our paper "Socialized Learning for Smart Cities: Cognitive Paradigm, Methodology, and Solution" has been accepted by top journal IEEE Wireless Communications(CAS/JCR-1, IF:9.515) ! Congratulations!
我们论文“Socialized Learning for Smart Cities: Cognitive Paradigm, Methodology, and Solution”录取在旗舰期刊IEEE Wireless Communications (CAS/JCR-1, IF:11.979)上,恭喜!!

✌ 2021.09 - Our paper "Multi-Task Offloading Strategy Optimization based on Directed Acyclic Graphs for Edge Computing" is accepted in IOTJ (CAS/JCR-1, IF:9.515) ! This paper has been updated many times during 1 year. Always believe that efforts will be fruitful!
太棒啦!我们论文“Multi-Task Offloading Strategy Optimization based on Directed Acyclic Graphs for Edge Computing”录取在IOTJ (CAS/JCR-1, IF:9.515)上,该论文的工作在这一年期间迭代了很多次,相信努力就有收获!

✌ 2021.07 - Our paper "Credible Internet of Intelligence Towards Future Multi-Dimensional Connection" is accepted in IEEE Network(CAS/JCR-1, IF:8.808) ! Congratulations!
太棒啦!我们一篇关于物联网多维度连接的论文“Credible Internet of Intelligence Towards Future Multi-Dimensional Connection”录取在了旗舰杂志IEEE Network(中科院1区,影响因子8.808)上,恭喜!

✌ 2021.06 - Our paper "Neighboring-Aware Caching in Heterogeneous Edge Networks by Actor-Attention-Critic Learning" wins the Best Paper Award of ICC2021 (IEEE International Communication Conference)! Congratulation! Always believe in the power of edge computing!
我们的论文“Neighboring-Aware Caching in Heterogeneous Edge Networks by Actor-Attention-Critic Learning”获得了ICC2021(IEEE国际通信大会)的最佳论文奖,喜事连连,这就是“相信边缘计算的力量”! 查看证书

✌ 2021.05 - Our paper "Anchored Users Selection for Traffic Offloading Optimization in D2D-aided Mobile Edge Computing" is accepted in IEEE IoTJ (CAS/JCR-1, IF:9.515) ! Congratulations!
太棒啦!我们一篇关于锚点用户选择的论文“Anchored Users Selection for Traffic Offloading Optimization in D2D-aided Mobile Edge Computing”录取在了旗舰杂志IEEE IoTJ(中科院1区,影响因子9.515)!恭喜!

✌ 2021.03 Our book "Edge AI" is selected as the annual high-influence list of Chinese authors in the field of computer science released by Springer. This is Springer's top 12 popular Chinese computer book written by chinese author in the world. 6000+ readers purchase our book which shows the influence of our work!
我们撰写的书籍《Edge AI》入选了Springer发布的计算机科学领域的中国作者年度高影响力榜单,这是Springer旗下全球Top12的华人计算机书籍,6000+的购买量展示了大家对我们工作的认同!

✌ 2021.01 - Congratulations! The three projects we applied with the Electric Power Research Institute have been successfully established. We are responsible for 1.39 million yuan out of 10.38 million yuan. This is an in-depth integration of edge intelligence and power networks. We will continue to work hard and strengthen the cooperation between us.

✌ 2021.01 - We have received great achievements in the first week of the new year. Our papers on Internet of Vehicles and edge computing platforms are accepted by IOTJ and JSA respectively. Keep going!
2021,起航,新年第一周我们就收获了不错的成果,我们关于车联网与边缘计算平台的论文分别被IOTJ (CAS/JCR-1, IF:9.515) 和JSA (CAS/JCR-2, IF:2.552) 录取了,继续加油!

✌ 2020.12 - Good news arrive one by one. Our work "Edge Cloud Cluster Scheduling System Controlled by Edge Autonomous Center" won the first place in the "first Huawei Cloud Technology Innovation Competition". I am proud of my students!

✌ 2020.12 - With the perfect ending for 2020, we will enter 2021. The projects "Construction of 5G cloud edge collaborative smart city " and "Intelligent management of 5G infrastructure" we applied have been successfully established. We are here in 2021 !

✌ 2020.12 - Snow augurs good years, and the new journey continues. Finally, our paper "Tailored Learning-Based Scheduling of Kubernetes-Oriented Edge-Cloud System" on cloud-side collaboration and cloud-side collaboration resource optimization is accepted to INFOCOM(CCF-A) with high scores. Thanks all for your hard work. See you online in Vancouver!
瑞雪兆丰年,新的旅途还在继续。终于我们关于云边协同云边协同资源优化的文章"Tailored Learning-Based Scheduling of Kubernetes-Oriented Edge-Cloud System"以高分的成绩录取到了A类顶会INFOCOM上。感谢各位老师与同学的努力。温哥华,我们线上见!

✌ 2020.11 - Thanks to all my friends, I got the award "2020 annual Young Scientist" of the CCF Distributed Computing and System Committee. : )
感谢各位支持,我很荣幸能荣获“2020年度中国计算机学会分布式计算与系统专委会青年科学家奖”!: )

✌ 2020.11 - Our paper "Net-in-AI: A Computing-Power Networking Framework with Adaptability, Flexibility and Profitability for Ubiquitous AI" is accepted in IEEE Network (CAS/JCR-1, IF:8.8) ! Congratulations!
太棒啦!我们一篇关于云边端协同算力网络的论文“Net-in-AI: A Computing-Power Networking Framework with Adaptability, Flexibility and Profitability for Ubiquitous AI”录取在了旗舰杂志IEEE Network(中科院1区,影响因子8.8)!恭喜!

✌ 2020.10 - Our paper "Attention-Weighted Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Device-to-Device Assisted Heterogeneous Collaborative Edge Caching " is accepted in the top journal in the area, IEEE JSAC (CCF-A, CAS/JCR-1, IF:11.42)!! Congratulations!
我们的“基于注意力机制的联邦强化学习算法”的论文录取在了领域顶级期刊IEEE JSAC,CCF-A类,中科院1区,影响因子11.42! 恭喜!

✌ 2020.07 - Our paper ``Networking Integrated Cloud-Edge-End in IoT: A Blockchain-Assisted Collective Learning Approach'' is accepted in IEEE IoT Journal (CAS/JCR-1, IF:9.515)! Congratulations!
我们的“基于区块链和集体学习的端边云协同算网融合”的论文录取在了物联网旗舰刊物IEEE IoT Journal!!(中科院1区,影响因子9.515)恭喜!

✌ 2020.06 - It's a long trip! Our paper ``Virtual Machine Placement Optimization in Mobile Cloud Gaming through QoE-Oriented Resource Competition'' is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (CAS/JCR-1, IF:5.967) ! Congratulations!
看花开花落花开,终于我们关于边缘云游戏的论文“Virtual Machine Placement Optimization in Mobile Cloud Gaming through QoE-Oriented Resource Competition”的文章录取到了云计算旗舰期刊IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing(中科院1区,影响因子5.967)!恭喜!

✌ 2020.05 - Hooray! We have one interesting paper ``AI-Chain: A Blockchain Energized Edge Intelligence for Beyond 5G Networks'' accepted in IEEE Networks (CAS/JCR-1, IF:7.5) ! Congratulations!
太棒了,我们一篇关于“AI-Chain:面向后5G网络中区块链赋能边缘智能”的新文章录取到了旗舰杂志IEEE Networks(中科院1区,影响因子7.5)!恭喜!

✌ 2020.03 - Our paper "Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Internet of Things with Decentralized Cooperative Edge Caching" is accepted in IEEE IoT Journal (CAS/JCR-1, IF:9.515)! Congratulations!
我们关于融合联邦学习和边缘缓存的论文"Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Internet of Things with Decentralized Cooperative Edge Caching"录取到了行业顶级期刊IEEE IoT Journal(中科院1区,影响因子9.515),恭喜!!

✌ 2020.01 - We got an "epic" survey paper accepted in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (CAS/JCR-1, IF:23). Remember the name, "Convergence of Edge Computing and Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Survey", it must be a great success!
我们在行业顶级刊物IEEE COMST上录取了一篇史诗级关于边缘智能的综述文章,COMST为中科院1区,影响因子是领域内最高的23. 让我们记住论文名字吧:"Convergence of Edge Computing and Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Survey",这必然是一个伟大的胜利!

✌ 2020.01 - Hooray! Our paper "STCS: Spatial-Temporal Collaborative Sampling in Flow-aware Software Defined Networks" is accepted in the top journal in the area, IEEE JSAC (CCF-A, CAS/JCR-1, IF:9.302)!!
WOW!我们的关于SDN时空协同采样流感知的论文录取到了领域顶级期刊IEEE JSAC,CCF-A类,中科院1区,影响因子9.302!

✌ 2019.11 - We got a paper accepted in AAAI (CCF-A)! The top AI conference! "D2D-LSTM: LSTM-based Path Prediction of Content Diffusion Tree in Device-to-Device Social Networks"! The 1st author is another 1st-year MS student! :-D Thank you!
我们的论文“D2D-LSTM: LSTM-based Path Prediction of Content Diffusion Tree in Device-to-Device Social Networks”被录取到了人工智能顶级会议AAAI(CCF-A)!本文的一作是又是一个大三就来组里实习的激情四射的孩子,刚刚研究生一年级入学!:-D 谢谢你们的努力!

✌ 2019.05 - Thanks to all my friends, I got the award as "One of the 10 Distinguished Young Scholars of Tianjin University. : )
感谢各位支持,我很荣幸入选“天津大学第二十五届十佳杰出青年教工”!: )


Academic Positions 学术经历

  • 2016-PresentProfessor 教授(长聘)

    School of Computer Science and Technology, Tianjin University, China

  • 2014-2016Post-doctoral Researcher 博士后研究员

    School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Canada

  • 2008-2013Ph.D. (Doctor of Science) 博士

    School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea

  • 2006-2008Master of Science 硕士

    School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea

  • 2001-2005Bachelor of Science 学士

    School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Selected Awards 科研奖励

2022 EAI Distinguished Member
2020 CCF Young Scientist Award
2017 CCF-Intel Young Faculty Researcher Program
2017 Tianjin University Peiyang Young Scholar
2017 IEEE ComSoc Fred W. Ellersick Prize
2015 IEEE Outstanding Service Award (CLOUDCOM)
2012 CSC Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad
2008-2011 ITPA Outstanding Foreign Students Scholarship

Selected Papers 代表论文

王晓飞,纽约国际967地址长聘教授,博导,国家海外高层次人才引进计划(青年),中国计算机学会分布式专委会杰出青年学者,2017年IEEE通讯协会Fred W. Ellersick Prize年度最佳杂志论文奖获得者, 2022年IEEE通讯协会亚太地区年度杰出论文奖,ACM新星奖(天津),天津大学北洋青年学者,获2021年天津市科技进步一等奖,获第十七届天津市青年科技奖。主要研究边缘智能理论、边缘计算系统架构、云边协同算法等, 发表高水平科研论文170余篇(含SCI论文90余篇),其中包括COMST、JSAC、TMC、TSC、TON、TKDE、INFOCOM等中科院1区/CCF-A类论文34篇, 中科院2区/CCF-B类论文30篇,ESI高引8篇次,热引3篇次,谷歌学术引用7300次,申请发明专利40余项,获得世界通信大会ICC、ICPADS等学术会议和期刊的最佳论文奖励10余次, 担任COMST等多个一二区期刊副编委和专刊编委,主持了国家自然科学基金青年和面上项目、科技部重点研发计划课题和子课题、工程院战略咨询、天津市智能制造专项等纵向课题, 负责了中国电信、华为、圣戈班、中国电科院、安冉云、缀初网络等企业合作项目十余项,出版领域内第一本边缘智能书籍《Edge AI》被列为Springer的2020年中国高影响力作者图书Top10(累计下载13000次)。

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Cache In The Air: Exploiting Content Caching and Delivery Techniques for 5G Systems

Authors: Xiaofei Wang, Min Chen, Tarik Taleb, Adlen Ksentini, Victor C. M. Leung
Publication: IEEE Communications, Vol.52, No.2, February, 2014. (SCI, CAS/JCR-1, IF: 10.435)

In-Edge AI: Intelligentizing Mobile Edge Computing, Caching and Communication by Federated Learning

Authors: Xiaofei Wang, Yiwen Han, Chenyang Wang, Qiyang Zhao, Xu Chen, Min Chen
Publication: IEEE Network Magazine, vol.33, no.5, 2019. (IF:7.197, CAS/JCR-1)

Convergence of Edge Computing and Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors: Xiaofei Wang, Yiwen Han, Victor C. M. Leung, Dusit Niyato, Xueqiang Yan, Xu Chen
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2020. (IF:22.973,CAS/JCR-1)

Attention-Weighted Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Device-to-Device Assisted Heterogeneous Collaborative Edge Caching

Authors: Xiaofei Wang, Ruibin Li, Chenyang Wang, Xiuhua Li*, Tarik Taleb, Victor C. M. Leung,
IEEE JSAC, 2020. (CAS/JCR-1, IF:11.41)

Tailored Learning-Based Scheduling of Kubernetes-Oriented Edge-Cloud System

Authors: Yiwen Han, Shihao Shen, Xiaofei Wang, Shiqiang Wang, Victor C. M. Leung
Publication: IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2021. (CCF-A类)

List of Publications 所有科研论文列表

A dream you dream alone is only a dream,
A dream you dream together is reality.
—— John Lennon

—— 约翰·列侬