
  • 2014.09~2019.07      清华大学    计算机科学与技术系    工学博士
  • 2010.09~2014.06      武汉大学    计算机学院                    工学学士


  • 2019.07   至今            天津大学





Ran Yi, Zipeng Ye, Wang Zhao, Minjing Yu, et al. Feature-Aware Uniform Tessellations on Video Manifold for Content-Sensitive Supervoxels. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2020, DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2020.2979714.


Minjing Yu, Yong-Jin Liu, Yulin Zhang, et al. Interactions with Reconfigurable Modular Robots Enhance Spatial Reasoning Performance. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems(TCDS), 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TCDS.2019.2914162.


Aihua Mao, Hong Zhang, Zhenfeng Xie, Minjing Yu*, Yong-Jin Liu*, Ying He. Automatic Sitting Pose Generation for Ergonomic Ratings of Chairs. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2019.2938746.


Zipeng Ye, Minjing Yu, Yong-Jin Liu. NP-Completeness of Optimal Planning Problem for Modular Robots. Autonomous Robots, 2019, 43: 2261–2270.


Minjing Yu, Zipeng Ye, Yong-Jin Liu, et al. LineUp: Computing Chain-Based Physical Transformation. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 2019, 38(1): 11:1--11:16


张冠华, 余旻婧, 陈果, 等. 面向情绪识别的脑电特征研究综述. 中国科学: 信息科学, 2019, 49(9):1097--1118


Yong-Jin Liu, Minjing Yu, Bing-Jun Li, et al. Intrinsic Manifold SLIC: A Simple and Efficient Method for Computing Content-Sensitive Superpixels. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2018, 40(3): 653--666


Yong-Jin Liu, Minjing Yu, Guozhen Zhao, et al. Real-Time Movie-Induced Discrete Emotion Recognition from EEG Signals. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAFFC), 2018, 9(4): 550--562


刘永进, 余旻婧, 叶子鹏, 等. 自重构模块化机器人路径规划方法综述. 中国科学: 信息科学, 2018, 48(2):143--176


Minjing Yu, Yong-Jin Liu, Su-Jing Wang, et al. A PMJ-Inspired Cognitive Framework for Natural Scene Categorization in Line Drawings. Neurocomputing, 2016, 173: 2041--2048


Yong-Jin Liu, Chengchi Yu, Minjing Yu, et al. A Robust Divide and Conquer Algorithm for Progressive Medial Axes of Planar Shapes. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2016, 22(12): 2522--2536


Yong-Jin Liu, Minjing Yu, Qiufang Fu, et al. Cognitive Mechanism Related to Line Drawings and Its Applications in Intelligent Process of Visual Media: A Survey. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2016, 10(2): 216--232



Zipeng Ye, Ran Yi, Minjing Yu*, Yong-Jin Liu*, Ying He. Fast Computation of Content-Sensitive Superpixels and Supervoxels Using Q-Distances. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV), 2019: 3770-3779.


Minjing Yu, Yong-Jin Liu, Charlie C. L. Wang. EasySRRobot: An Easy-to-Build Self-Reconfigurable Robot with Optimized Design. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics(ROBIO). 2017: 1094--1099


Yong-Jin Liu, Chengchi Yu, Minjing Yu, et al. Manifold SLIC: A Fast Method to Compute Content-Sensitive Superpixels. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2016: 651--659



  1. 刘永进, 余旻婧. 模块化机器人内部结构优化方法
  2. 刘永进, 余旻婧. 一种自重构机器人单元模块
  3. 刘永进, 余旻婧, 等. 一种舵机传动的模块化变形机器人
  4. 刘永进, 余旻婧, 等. 一种用于 SLA3D 打印机的平面分割方法及装置
  5. 刘永进, 俞承驰,余旻婧. 一种基于全局能量函数优化的图像层次提取与编辑方法